Jimmy Akin Podcast

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live (July 11, 2017, 1st hour), Jimmy answers the following questions:

0:15 What are some of Cy's favorite books?

2:30 What's significant about John Paul II's book "Crossing the Threshold of Hope"? (Hint: One thing is that he basically revealed the Third Secret of Fatima in it!)

4:50 Did Joseph Ratzinger ghostwrite many of John Paul II's writings?

6:35 How to find hidden treasures in John Paul II's and Benedict XVI's Wednesday audiences.

11:50 How to respond to the challenge that Catholicism is false because it bases its teachings on things other than the Bible--the word of God.

16:00 What is the new path that Pope Francis has instituted for people becoming saints?

25:17 - What are some early church sources about the immaculate conception?

31:26 - Can a pope be a heretic personally?

33:40 - What is the earliest evidence for Purgatory?

37:50 - In Acts 11, St. Paul says his proof for the Gentiles in the Church is that the Holy Spirit falls on them. Is this analogous to the Holy Spirit working in other churches today?

44:06 - What are we supposed to be doing in the afterlife?

46:30 - How do we define grace? Someone told me we merit grace, but we also receive initial grace free of merit. So what are the different kinds of grace, where are some places we can find them in the Bible?

54:55 - Can a non-baptized person, who’s married to a Catholic, receive a Catholic funeral and burial?

57:50 - Do dogs go to Heaven?

Resources Mentioned:

The Salvation Controversy by Jimmy Akin

Direct download: ca170711a_0.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:52pm PST

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live (July 13, 2017, 2nd hour), Jimmy answers the following questions:

4:25 How to responding to the challenge that Acts isn't reliable history because it was written long after the events it describes.

12:11 - How can we use the internet for evangelism?

20:40 - In Revelation what does it mean at the end when it gives a curse to people who add or subtract?

29:39 - I’m wondering if there’s a definitive description of Heaven and Purgatory.

34:45 - Why is it that God can strike someone dead with no warning?

44:50 - Do you believe that Catholics and Protestants can be reconciled? And what form might it take?

51:32 - I’m marrying a non-Catholic and he has some weird history questions, why is the Vatican surrounded with walls? Where did all the treasure from the Crusades go?


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Category: -- posted at: 9:49pm PST

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live (June 22, 2017, 1st hour), Jimmy answers the following questions:

02:30 - What are your thoughts about baptizing infants twice? Once in the Catholic Church, once in the Protestant church.

10:30 - Will there be free will in Heaven?

12:10 - Does 1 John 5:13 tell Christians that they know for sure whether or not they are saved?

16:25 - What are some tips for Catholics who are concerned about doing wrong?

32:05 - What is your take on protesting on blasphemous images of Jesus Christ?

41:45 - Can I attend a SSPX Mass with my family?

44:55 - I have heard that Jesus had a blood brother who was not part of the faith until Jesus died and rose again. That was why he chose Peter. What is your stance on this?

49:50 - If one is experiencing temporal punishment because he committed a mortal sin, can the punishment be used as redemptive healing for someone else?

Resources Mentioned:


Direct download: ca170622a_0.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49pm PST

Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss the announcement of Jodi Whittaker as the 13th Doctor. What does it mean for the Doctor to be a woman now?

How will it change the show? Is there any precedent in Doctor Who history?

And what does the mysterious word "pre-pleblican" mean?

And next time, we’ll be discussing the Big Finish audio play, “Spare Parts”.

If you want to listen before our next episode, you can purchase and download the audio play for just three dollars.

Here's the reveal video:


Direct download: WHO035.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:07pm PST

Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the 12th episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Doctor Falls.”

Cybermen attack! Regenerations amok! Teary goodbyes.

This episode has it all as it brings to a conclusion this season of Doctor Who with only the Christmas special left with Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat. We discuss it all!

But you don’t have to wait until Christmas for more Secrets of Doctor Who.

Next time, we’ll be discussing the Big Finish audio play, “Spare Parts.”

If you want to listen before our next episode, you can purchase and download the audio play for just $0.99.

Links for this episode:

Direct download: WHO034.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:11am PST

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the 11th and penultimate episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “World Enough and Time.”

Regenerations, two Masters, Mondasian cybermen, beloved characters in peril with a black hole and time dilation to boot.

Showrunner Stephen Moffat pulls out all the stops as he races to the finish of his tenure at Doctor Who.

Also leave us feedback on what Doctor Who topics you’d like us to discuss on the podcast in between seasons of Doctor Who: reviews of Big Finish audio productions; themed episodes about individual Doctors or recurring monsters; reviewing episodes of Classic Who; something else?

Leave us a comment below or send us an email to doctorwho@sqpn.com.

Direct download: WHO033.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:47pm PST

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the tenth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Eaters of Light.”

Hear about the real life mystery surrounding the Ninth Legion of the Roman Army, the special distinction held by the writer of this episode and our recounting of all the great Scottish jokes.

After all, as you can see below, it featured Jimmy Akin wearing Pictish face paint!

What did you think of this episode?

Also leave us feedback on what Doctor Who topics you’d like us to discuss on the podcast in between seasons of Doctor Who: reviews of Big Finish audio productions; themed episodes about individual Doctors or recurring monsters; reviewing episodes of Classic Who; something else?

Leave us a comment below or send us an email to doctorwho@sqpn.com.

Direct download: WHO032.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:23pm PST

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the ninth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Empress of Mars.”

It’s a rip-roaring adventure on Mars straight out of Edgar Rice Burroughs and featuring the classic Doctor Who villains, the Ice Warriors.

Our panel examines the episode within the context of the season, but also in the context of their classic appearances on the show. What did you think of this episode?

Direct download: WHO031.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:50am PST

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the eighth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Lie of the Land”.

The final episode of the “monk trilogy” begins with the monks in control of the world and, apparently of the Doctor.

Our panel looks at the episode in itself, in context of the previous two, and of the whole season–spoilers–find it coming up short.

Listen to find out why. What do you think? Do you agree?

Direct download: WHO030.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:27pm PST

Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the seventh episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Pyramid at the End of the World”. The corpse-like monks are real this time as is the threat they pose to earth. Can the Doctor figure out the real threat to earth in time to save it?

Direct download: WHO029.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:47pm PST

Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the sixth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Extremis”.

Zombie monks, the Pope, Missy, and a deadly book all bring the blinded Doctor, Nardole, and Bill together to begin their battle against a new foe.

And with major Catholic elements in this episode, you know that this Doctor Who podcast with a panel of professional Catholics at the helm would have all the hot takes, secrets, and insights into this one.

Direct download: WHO028.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:06pm PST

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the fifth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Oxygen”. As the 70s ban Sweet sang, “Your love is like oxygen.” We discuss space zombies, a nagging Nardole, Bill’s first true jeopardy, and a call back by the Doctor all the way to the very First Doctor’s time. Also, we look ahead to the Pope, Missy, and the reveal of what’s in the vault.

Direct download: WHO027.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:22pm PST

Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the fourth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Knock, Knock”. Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Yes, he is. Our panel discusses this haunted house story and come up with insights and little-known facts that not only bear on this episode, but start to put together the broader picture of the rest of the season.

Direct download: WHO026.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm PST

Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the third episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Thin Ice”. Regency England, giant man-eating sea creatures, and a mustache-twirling villain–not to mention antics on the ice–leave the discussion skating on “thin ice”. We’ve also got some great tidbits from the history of Doctor Who that relate to this episode and some speculation on “who’s” behind the locked vault.

Direct download: 25_WHO025__Thin_Ice.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:37pm PST

Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the second episode of the 10 Season of Doctor Who entitled “Smile”. Emojibots, Scots in space, and callbacks to old Doctor Who episodes are all part of the discussion.

Direct download: WHO024.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:17pm PST

Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the first episode of the 10th season of Doctor Who entitled “The Pilot”. They also talk about the new companion, Bill Potts; the imminent departure of showrunner Steven Moffatt and the 10th Doctor, Peter Capaldi; the incoming showrunner Chris Chibnall; and the upcoming season.

Direct download: WHO023.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:05pm PST