Jimmy Akin Podcast
You Mean Fish *Aren’t* Vegetables? Christian vegetarianism (And more!)

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live (9/25/14), Jimmy takes on the following questions:


  • How is the landowner in the parable of the workers in the vineyard “fair”?
  • How to deal with nephew getting married tomorrow in a non-Catholic ceremony?
  • How to understand Romans 9 when it talks about the “vessels of wrath”?
  • Who are “the elect”? What are the different ways this word is used?
  • Technically speaking, what is a shrine?
  • Can people with dementia receive the sacraments?
  • If salvation is a gift then why do we need to go to confession?
  • How to help a godchild who has a health problem and whose parents are in a destructive relationship?
  • What obligations do we have regarding attending weddings that are known up-front to be invalid?
  • How to respond to people who say that we must abstain from eating meat?


Direct download: ca140925b.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33am PST

Time Heist

In this episode we review and analyse episode 5 of season 8, entitled ‘Time Heist’.  Is life less valuable when we lose our memories? Plus, What do all the Greek references mean?

Join Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Roderick for discussion, analysis and speculation!

Links for this episode:

Check out Jimmy Akin’s blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who and Dom Bettinelli & Fr. Roderick’s podcast Secrets of Star Wars!

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Direct download: WHO005.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42pm PST


In this episode we review and analyse episode 4 of season 8, entitled ‘Listen’.  The overarching theme in this episode was overcoming fear. We also get some rare glimpses of the Doctor’s past! Join Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Roderick for discussion, analysis and informed speculation!

Links for this episode:

Check out Stephanie Zimmer’s podcast TV Rewind, Jimmy Akin’s blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who and Dom Bettinelli & Fr. Roderick’s podcast Secrets of Star Wars!

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Direct download: WHO004.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:19pm PST

Did Jesus give Judas Communion--And, If So, WHY?

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live (9/16/14), Jimmy answers the following questions:

  • How to describe the relationship between faith and reason?
  • Did the priest used to break the host during the words of institution?
  • How do Protestants defend divorce and remarriage in light of what Scripture says?
  • Can priests “reach down into hell” and save souls? Can we pray for the damned?
  • Was Judas in mortal sin? Did Jesus offer Communion to Judas? If so, why did he do so when the Church today doesn’t offer Communion to those in mortal sin?
  • A Lutheran caller asks why he couldn’t receive Communion from an extraordinary minister when he was in the hospital?
  • Who is going to be resurrected—and why?
  • What is the Church’s teaching on predestination? What is Jimmy’s personal opinion?
  • What translations are approved by the Catholic Church? What makes them approved? Can I read translations that aren’t approved?
  • If the gates of heaven were closed before Jesus’ death and Resurrection, where did Moses and Elijah go?
  • What happens to those who never knew about Christ and who were never baptized?
Direct download: ca140916a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:01pm PST

Robot of Sherwood

In this episode we review and analyse episode 3 of season 8, entitled ‘Robot of Sherwood’. The Doctor and Clara travel to 1190 to meet Robin Hood. Why is the Doctor so cynical? What are the robots up to? And why are the references to the ‘Promised Land’ so disturbing to the Doctor? Join Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Roderick for discussion, analysis and informed speculation!

Links for this episode:

Check out Stephanie Zimmer’s podcast TV Rewind, Jimmy Akin’s blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who and Dom Bettinelli & Fr. Roderick’s podcast Secrets of Star Wars!

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Direct download: WHO003.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:38pm PST

What did Pope Francis mean when he said he wants "a poor church for the poor"? (And more!)

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live, Jimmy takes on the following questions:

  • What did Pope Francis mean when he said that he would like “a poor church for the poor”?
  • How can anybody be a saint if we are all sinful?
  • Can a priest say the ordinary form of the Mass facing East or facing the altar rather than the people?
  • Where did the idea that either the man born blind or his parents had sinned?
  • How to obtain an annulment?
  • What happened to the people who rose from the dead at the time of the Crucifixion?
  • What does it mean when the Apostles’ Creed says that Jesus descended into hell?
  • What does it mean when Hebrews says that Jesus learned obedience through suffering?
  • How to respond to “None is righteous, no not one”?
  • How to respond to the claim that humans are equal to all other species?
  • What does St. Paul mean in 1 Corinthians 8 when he talks about us using our knowledge to tear down our brethren rather than build them up?
  • Why is there a difference between documentary process and formal process annulments?


Direct download: ca140911a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:26pm PST

Into the Dalek

In this episode we review and analyse episode 2 of season 8, entitled ‘Into the Dalek’. The Doctor enters the innards of his arch enemy in an attempt to save its life… and its soul. But what about the soul of the Doctor himself? Join Jimmy Akin, Stephanie Zimmer, Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Roderick for discussion, analysis and informed speculation!

Links for this episode:

Check out Stephanie Zimmer’s podcast TV Rewind, Jimmy Akin’s blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who and Dom Bettinelli & Fr. Roderick’s podcast Secrets of Star Wars!

Subscribe to the Feed | Subscribe with iTunes

Direct download: WHO002.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm PST

Can You Give Candy to the Baby Jesus? (And More!)

In this episode of Catholic Answers Live, Jimmy takes on the following questions:

  • Can we “interpret Scripture with Scripture”?
  • What does the word “desuetude” mean and how does it relate to women’s head coverings?
  • Can we wear pictures of people other than saints?
  • Is leaving candy before a statue of Baby Jesus okay or is that idolatry?
  • Is the Church contradicting Scripture with its teaching that the use of force in legitimate defense is okay?
  • Do we grow in our relationship with God in heaven?
  • Can Latin Catholics attend the Melkite rite?
  • Is the ice bucket challenge a Satanic ritual? Do you have to mean for a ritual to be Satanic for it to actually be Satanic?
  • What does a former Catholic who has been attending a non-Catholic church need to do to return to the Faith?
  • Thomas Aquinas’s arguments may prove the existence of a God, but how do you prove the existence of the God of the Bible?
  • How does it work when a person has enough evidence for the existence of God but they choose not to convert?
  • How to deal with religious compulsions? Are they sinful?


Direct download: ca140904a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am PST

Deep Breath

In this episode Jimmy joins Fr. Roderick Vonhögen, Stephanie Zimmer, Fr. Cory Sticha and Dom Bettinelli to review the first story of the new season of Doctor Who, "Deep Breath."

This is part of the SQPN podcast series The Secrets of Doctor Who, which will be reviewing all 12 episodes of this year's season of Doctor Who.

To learn more about the series, visit doctorwho.sqpn.com.

Jimmy will also be adding new theological podcasts, in and among the 12 episodes of Secrets of Doctor Who.

Direct download: WHO001.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:10pm PST