Wed, 12 May 2021
The 11th Doctor stuck in the Labyrinth. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory examine this story that features a Minotaur-like creature that feeds on faith, as if faith was a kind of emotional energy and places it at the level of superstition. Does it do a disservice to religious faith? |
Mon, 10 May 2021
Kirk on trial! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about this episode, which has Kirk being tried for causing the death of a member of his crew, an old classmate who resented him. They discuss the depiction of justice in the future, but also the mistrust of technology in the Sixties. |
Fri, 7 May 2021
Nostradamus is one of the most famous seers of the last millennium and his prophecies are often applied to all sorts of past, current, and future events. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli delve into who Nostradamus was, what secret techniques he used, and whether he could really tell the future. |
Wed, 5 May 2021
The 8th Doctor is in a future Venice facing a cataclysm. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about this audio story that bears remarkable resemblance to later TV episodes and how the story has a very fairy tale quality about it. |
Mon, 3 May 2021
In this first season episode, we get our first glimpse of Emperor Georgiou. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss how this character changed the show, the shocking evil of the Terran Empire, and the big reveal about Lorca. |
Fri, 30 April 2021
![]() It's a fifth Friday so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin more weird questions from listeners, including whether the pope would be Bishop of Rome if humans left Earth; the practicalities of sacraments in space; could Grogu (aka Baby Yoda) be baptized?; what are the giants in the Bible?; and more. |
Wed, 28 April 2021
This time it's Amy who waits for Rory and the Doctor. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about another story of doppelgängers and duplicates and alternate time streams; discuss the question of which Amy is the real one; whether it is moral to sacrifice one; and if the Doctor is being cruel. |
Mon, 26 April 2021
The Enterprise comes across a ship of Klingons in distress and come to their aid. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the rendering of aid to ungrateful recipients and Archer's education in Klingon diplomacy. Plus, a bonus discussion of the latest Star Trek TV & movie news. |
Fri, 23 April 2021
In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent Operation Northwoods to JFK as a daring, covert plan to stop a potential Soviet invasion. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss this now declassified plan, the shocking series of secret actions it proposed, and Kennedy's response. |
Wed, 21 April 2021
The 7th Doctor and Ace go to a demented circus. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss fear of clowns, hippie circuses, werewolves, and the gods of Ragnarok, plus Sylvester McCoy's realy magic tricks he performs on-screen. |
Mon, 19 April 2021
The premiere of Voyager's season 4 saw the introduction of Seven of Nine to the cast. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss why the change happened, whether it was good for the show, and how she changed its trajectory. |
Fri, 16 April 2021
![]() Since Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World began, Jimmy and Dom have covered numerous mysteries in 150 episodes. And because Jimmy is always doing research, he wants to update listeners on what he's learned since originally covering these fascinating topics. |
Wed, 14 April 2021
The 11th Doctor comes to the aid of a scared little boy whose night terrors become real. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha this fairy tale horror story about the unconditional love of a father for his unusual son. |
Mon, 12 April 2021
The introduction of the Nagus changed Ferengi and Quark on DS9 from that point. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about Wallace Shawn's great portrayal, how the story expanded and rehabbed the Ferengi, and the Godfather homage scene. |
Fri, 9 April 2021
Every so often, there are reports of people bursting into flames for no apparent reason, reducing most of their body to ashes, but with little or no fire damage around them. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what we should make of these reports of spontaneous human combustion and what could be causing them. |
Wed, 7 April 2021
The Trial of a Time Lord begins! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about the first part of the 6th Doctor's "trial" season that brings him to an "alien" planet that turns out to be a post-apocalyptic Earth run by a domineering robot. Plus lots of Valeyard name puns. |
Mon, 5 April 2021
Is a justice system where death is the punishment for every crime really just? Dom, Jimmy, and Fr. Cory discuss this TNG story that is supposed to evoke Eden with a vengeful god/alien and (not-so-)innocents. |
Thu, 1 April 2021
Australia is known for many strange, dangerous animals, but one famous cryptid from Down Under is the fearsome Drop Bear. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli, with help from Matt Fradd and the Catholics of Oz, recount what we know about the Drop Bear and how to protect ourselves against it. |
Wed, 31 March 2021
With the Doctor tracking down Amy and Rory's missing baby, they encounter a mysterious group tampering with time. Dom, Jimmy, and Fr. Cory discuss the ethics of punishing historical criminals in the way described here as well as an element introduced here to be important later. |
Mon, 29 March 2021
Some say the best Star Trek movie made was Galaxy Quest. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this thinly-veiled comedic homage to Trek and how it presaged the rise of fandom and the triumph of the geeks in pop culture. |
Fri, 26 March 2021
Rumors have surrounded the Vatican Secret Archives for ages and some think the Vatican is hiding shameful or shocking secrets. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the history of the Archives, what they contain, and how secret they really are. |
Wed, 24 March 2021
Omega in Amsterdam! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss this 5th Doctor story that includes future 6th Doctor, Colin Baker; lots of Doctor Who mythology; the Time Lords on Gallifrey; and capital punishment among the Time Lords. |
Mon, 22 March 2021
Spock in command. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about Spock's near-disastrous first command, the unreasonable insubordination of his crew, and the very cool practical effects used to create the tension in the story. |
Fri, 19 March 2021
In 1934, America was in the grips of the Great Depression and people were desperate for solutions. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the shadowy group of businessmen who began plotting to install an American fascist dictator and how close they came to succeeding. |
Wed, 17 March 2021
"Demons run when a good man goes to war." Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about this 11th Doctor story that broadens the mythology surrounding River Song, Amy and Rory, and the Doctor, plus brings together a lot of elements from throughout New Who. |
Mon, 15 March 2021
Ash Tyler's true nature is revealed! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss this first season mirror universe story in which Burnham confronts the truth about Tyler; Tilly overreaches; and the Emperor appears. Plus what knowing what's coming changes how they see this one. |
Fri, 12 March 2021
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. |
Wed, 10 March 2021
The 4th Doctor lands on Earth, but is it really Westworld? Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss this Tom Baker story that involves a small English town and a space defense station completely taken over by lookalike androids, except for a lone human and alien invaders. |
Mon, 8 March 2021
Dr. Phlox gets his own episode. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about the focus on Phlox, the emphasis on his alienness, the morality and timeliness of the pandemic/vaccine story, and the giant mistake in how the story's ending was written. |
Fri, 5 March 2021
![]() In Part 1, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discussed the explosive claims by Paul Bennewitz in the 1980s about UFOs in New Mexico. Now, they continue with how the Air Force was involved, what has happened in the intervening years, and the terrible price Paul paid.
Wed, 3 March 2021
The Third Doctor faces off against corporate interests and the Master. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the story's allegory for North American colonization, as well as the 3rd Doctor's first off-Earth adventure in the Tardis. |
Mon, 1 March 2021
The season 3 finale introduced Species 8472. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the paradigm shift in Voyager at the end of the 3rd season; Janeway's introduction to holo da Vinci; and the Borg becoming a much bigger part of the show. |
Fri, 26 February 2021
![]() Back in the 80s, Paul Bennewitz became deeply alarmed at evidence of an alien presence on Earth. He reported his discoveries to officials who took them seriously. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss how he became convinced we had to fight back and so developed the attack plan Project Beta. |
Wed, 24 February 2021
In part 2 of this story, the 11th Doctor gets a doppelgänger and then sets up the big reveal for the next two episodes. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the Doctor's deception, the two kinds of gangers, and whether they are really alive. |
Mon, 22 February 2021
With the 4th season of DS9, the writers decided to shake things up with the addition of Worf and a return to the Klingons as villains. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the changes and how this began the series' best run of episodes. |
Fri, 19 February 2021
For 40 years, people have wondered who was the mysterious Robert Christian who commissioned the Georgia Guidestones and the meaning of the 10 principles inscribed on it. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli identify who Christian really was and examine what the 10 guidelines really mean. |
Wed, 17 February 2021
In the first of a two-part story, the 11th Doctor encounters the gangers. Dom, Jimmy, and Fr. Cory discuss the ethics and morality of sentient duplicates, plus the wider implications for the Who season story arcinvolving a ganger. |
Mon, 15 February 2021
A Wesley science experiment goes wrong and not only threatens a vital scientific endeavor and everyone on the Enterprise, but creates new life. Oh, Wesley. Dom, Jimmy, and Fr. Cory discuss how Wesley gets away with it with no repercussions, plus the return of Bev Crusher. |
Fri, 12 February 2021
In 1980, a massive granite monument was unveiled in a small Georgia town, bearing 10 principles for the future guidance of humanity. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the Guidestones' origin and purpose and the mysterious man who commissioned them. |
Wed, 10 February 2021
The 2nd Doctor in the Himalayas. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this complex story involving a monastery, robots, an alien intelligence, a British explorer, a centuries-old guru, and Yeti. |
Mon, 8 February 2021
Shakespeare on the Enterprise. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about this Original Series episode that has Kirk confronting a Shakespearean actor who may or may not be a mass murderer from Kirk's past and discuss the ethics of both men's actions. |
Fri, 5 February 2021
![]() The four Gospels have been a primary source of information about Jesus Christ for 2,000 years, but in recent times, some skeptics have said they were written so late after Jesus, they aren't reliable. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli find out what tradition, Church teaching, and historical sources tell about when the Gospels were really written. |
Wed, 3 February 2021
Neil Gaiman's first outing as a Doctor Who screenwriter results in this fan favorite exploration of the Doctor's relationship to the Tardis. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the revelations about the Doctor, the Tardis, other Time Lords, and more all wrapped up in clever dialogue. |
Mon, 1 February 2021
The second half of the 1st season of Discovery took us to a new universe. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss this as the moment when the show really started to get its legs under it and why that is. Plus the mystery of Ash Tyler and the reveal of Captain Killy. |
Fri, 29 January 2021
![]() It's a fifth Friday so Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions from listeners, including whether Baby Yoda needs to fast; do AIs have souls?; is the Prime Directive ethically defensible?; should we destroy vampires?; and more. |
Wed, 27 January 2021
The Doctor meets Nero! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this 1st Doctor story of ancient Rome that has some strong comedic elements, but also brings the Doctor into contact with persecuted early Christians. |
Mon, 25 January 2021
What happens when you meet a truly alien species? Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this Enterprise episode focused on Malcom Reed that also explores how humans are truly pioneering into dangerous, unknown territory. Should they be more defensive in first contacts? |
Fri, 22 January 2021
The Book of Revelation describes a terrifying beast with the number 666 and that people had to take the mark of the beast on themselves. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli consider what the mark is: a literal tattoo, a computer chip, a vaccine, or even the Covid vaccine? |
Wed, 20 January 2021
Ahoy! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the 11th Doctor's pirate adventure that allows for a lot of pirate jokes, but lets in a lot of plot holes and loose ends as well. But there's also self-sacrifice and trust and parental and spousal relationship. |
Mon, 18 January 2021
Beowulf in space! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the Voyager story that takes the Doctor onto the holodeck to become a Viking hero of the sagas and how this episode was the first to expand the character from a blank slate to a person with possibilities. |
Fri, 15 January 2021
![]() Throughout the ages, grieving people have sought contact with the dead, including through the use of mediums. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask whether mediums really can contact the dead, whether we should trust them, and what the Bible has to say about it.
Wed, 13 January 2021
The Eighth Doctor and Charley encounter the Cybermen in this audio story. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the origin in fan-made stories from the 80s, the fast pacing of the story, and the Doctor's handling of moral dilemmas he encounters between humans, Cybermen, and someone else. |
Mon, 11 January 2021
Discovery's 3rd season comes to an end and Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory dig into the wrap up of the plot, that the season's quality went up as it ended, and look at where the show is going in seasons 4 and beyond. |
Fri, 8 January 2021
The World Economic Forum has proposed to use the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity to have a "Great Reset" to fundamentally transform the way the world works. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore what the WEF is, what the Great Reset is, and whether this is a sinister conspiracy. |
Wed, 6 January 2021
The 13th Doctor is back along with Graham, Ryan, Yaz, and Capt. Jack. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory agree that it was a very good episode and discuss the return of Jack Robertson, then talk about the news of next season, a new companion, and rumors of a new Doctor. |
Mon, 4 January 2021
Discovery's 3rd season reaches a dramatic climax in what Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory agree is the best episode of the season. With lots of action tempered by character development moments and a tense negotiation and turn by the antagonist, the stage is set for the finale. |
Fri, 1 January 2021
![]() Happy New Year! Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including whether indulgences can be retroactively applied; if UFO aliens could be demons; what happens to cremated saints who should be incorruptible; and whether aliens could have souls. |