Tue, 28 February 2012
![]() On Catholic Answers Live (2/16/12), Jimmy Akin answers:
Sun, 26 February 2012
SHOW NOTES: JIMMY AKIN PODCAST EPISODE 031 (02/26/12) 1) JIMMY MAKES AN ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT THE PODCAST He needs your help raising funds to enable the podcast to help even more people, in more ways, by making transcripts of it available. If he can raise $3000 then he can keep the podcast going and provide *a year's worth* of transcripts (52 episodes) at the same time! Please visit www.JimmyAkin.com to learn more about this project and how you can help! God bless you, and thank you for your generosity! 2) LUCIA ASKS WHY THE APOSTLES CREED SAYS THAT JESUS "DESCENDED INTO HELL." WHAT DOES THIS MEAN, AND WHY DID HE DO IT? 3) LUCIA ASKS ABOUT THE LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT THAT SAYS NOT TO WEAR CLOTHING WITH TWO KINDS OF FABRIC. ARE WE TO TAKE THIS LITERALLY? ONLINE INFORMATION ABOUT THE LAW OF SHA`ATNEZ Shatnez http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatnez Ask Rabbi Simmons: Clothing Worn by Jews http://judaism.about.com/library/3_askrabbi_o/bl_simmons_clothing.htm The Mysteries of Shaatnez http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/381831/jewish/The-Mysteries-of-Shaatnez.htm Clothing Mixtures: The Commandment of Shatnez http://www.beingjewish.com/mitzvos/shatnez.html THOMAS AQUINAS ON LAW Summa Theologiae I-II (see questions 98-103) http://newadvent.org/summa/2.htm Today’s Music: Fresh Country Air (JewelBeat.Com) WHAT'S YOUR QUESTION? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO ASK? Call me at 512-222-3389! jimmyakinpodcast@gmail.com www.JimmyAkinPodcast.com Join Jimmy's Secret Information Club! www.SecretInfoClub.com Copyright © 2012 by Jimmy Akin Get the Jimmy Akin Cast app for Android at Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006OTDOB8/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=jimmyakincom-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B006OTDOB8 |
Thu, 23 February 2012
On Catholic Answers Live (2/9/12), Jimmy Akin answers:
Sun, 19 February 2012
In this episode Deacon Tom Fox of Catholic Vitamins asks how to respond to claims that the papal consecration requested by Our Lady of Fatima has not been made.
Today’s Music: Ave Maria (JewelBeat.Com)
WHAT'S YOUR QUESTION? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO ASK? Call me at 512-222-3389! jimmyakinpodcast@gmail.com www.JimmyAkinPodcast.com
Join Jimmy's Secret Information Club! www.SecretInfoClub.com Copyright © 2012 by Jimmy Akin
Get the Jimmy Akin Cast app for Android at Amazon.com:
Mon, 13 February 2012
On Catholic Answers Live (2/2/12) Jimmy Akin answers: How do I talk to Catholics who disagree with the Church about same-sex marriage? At Mass the priest doesn’t say the “Alleluia” before the Gospel. Is this okay? How do you reconcile some of God’s harsh actions in the Old Testament with the loving God that we think of today? How do we defend the Catholic Church having a lot of money when Scripture says that it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven? Should I talk to my Protestant niece’s Catholic fiancé about the fact that he is marrying into a Protestant family? Why is a woman ritually unclean after having a baby and when she has her menstrual period? When the Church issued Humanae Vitae, the Canadian bishops issued a statement that they would dissent from it -- how is this possible? Since the Eucharist is no longer bread, how do we deal with the fact that a lot of songs in the Mass refer to it as bread? If a search and rescue team uses psychics to find a missing person, is this something that Christians should not participate in (even if it helps find the person)? |
Thu, 9 February 2012
![]() On Catholic Answers Live (1/26/12) Jimmy Akin answers:
Why does Jesus talk about righteous people in Luke 15, if Romans 3 says that no one is righteous?
Can I enter the Catholic Church if I’m not sure if I believe in a teaching because I still have a lot to learn? Wouldn’t the Eucharist help me believe?
Why does the genealogy of Mary in the Bible differ from our teaching that Joachim was her father?
What are the earliest writings about the first successor of Peter?
What’s the problem with consubstantiation in the Eucharist?
Why was the filioque a big deal?
If we believe that the Eucharist is transformed into the body and blood of Christ, why doesn’t it taste like flesh and blood?
How do I defend the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin to my Protestant friends?
Can you discuss the document released by the Vatican in the early 2000s about how much leeway priests have in saying the words of the Mass?
Who, besides the priest and deacon, is allowed to add the water to the wine at Mass?
Wed, 1 February 2012
Jimmy Akin answers: I want to believe -- how do I pray for belief? NOTE: Here's the article I mentioned that I wrote on Pascal's Wager: http://archive.catholic.com/thisrock/2003/0303fea1.asp How long do annulments generally take? Before you go through the process, can you get an idea of whether or not you have a chance of getting one? How can I go through an RCIA program since I travel a lot for my job? Why has the Catholic liturgy in America become so watered-down? How does the Catholic Church justify its collaboration with the states throughout history? Are the Assumption and Coronation of Mary metaphors of us being crowned in heaven with our full bodies, or are they just special things that happened to Mary? Why has the Catholic Church been a hindrance to individual liberty since the Magna Carta? I saw something on the History Channel that said Jesus married Mary Magdalen and had children -- is this possible? |