Tue, 28 December 2021
On Christmas 2021, Jimmy Akin welcomed everyone to his YouTube channel for a special Livestream gathering, especially for those who might be alone on the holiday. Jimmy answered questions on a variety of topics for over two hours and due to popular request, we've made the audio available here.
Direct download: MYS_2021_Christmas_Livestream.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 7:46am PST |
Fri, 24 December 2021
![]() It's Christmas, so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin Christmas weird questions from listeners, including how we would celebrate Christmas on other planets; when Christmas ends; how we got from St. Nick to Santa; and whether the 12 days of Christmas is a secret code; and more. |
Fri, 17 December 2021
In 1941, the US and Japan engaged in tense negotiations to avoid war, but failed. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss who was responsible for that failure; whether the failure was intended; and what role Soviet agent Harry Dexter White played in all this. |
Fri, 10 December 2021
As we recall the 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss allegations that the US had advance warning of the Japanese attack or even that President Roosevelt proviked the attack to end American isolationism. What is the truth? |
Fri, 3 December 2021
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release like this one. |
Fri, 26 November 2021
![]() It's the day after Thanksgiving, so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin more weird questions from listeners, including whether Indy would have died opening the Ark; Was Emily Blunt murdering Tom Cruise in Edge of Tomorrow; where did Jesus Y chromosome come from; and more. |
Fri, 19 November 2021
Fifty years ago, Dan Cooper boarded a short flight to Seattle and then hijacked the plane. After getting hundreds of thousands of dollars, he parachuted out of the plane, never to be seen again. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who he really was, how he pulled off the plot, and what happened to him after. |
Fri, 12 November 2021
![]() For centuries, people have wondered whether there is life on Mars and NASA's 1970s-era rovers seemed to prove there was. But then doubts arose. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at whether there is life on Mars, how it would have got there, what it would be like. |
Fri, 5 November 2021
![]() After 19th-century astronomers said Mars has a worldwide network of canals, people speculated there was not just life but a civilization there. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore whether there is life on Mars, and if so, how it got there and what it is like. |
Fri, 29 October 2021
![]() It's a fifth Friday so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin more weird questions from listeners, including what guardian angels would do for superheroes; where the Ark of the Covenant is; whether Judas is in Hell; and more. |
Fri, 22 October 2021
![]() Dr. Edwin May worked on the US gov't Star Gate Program, which involved a psychic power known as Remote Viewing, eventually becoming head of the project until its end. Jimmy Akin talks to Dr. May about how he became involved and what he has learned in his unique career. |
Fri, 15 October 2021
What does the scientific and historical evidence say about the Great Flood in Genesis? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss whether there was a worldwide Flood, whether Noah was a historical person, and how we should understand the biblical passage on Noah, the Ark, and the Great Flood. |
Fri, 8 October 2021
![]() Genesis records that God sent the Great Flood to wipe out mankind because of sinfulness, but that he preserved Noah, his family, and pairs of every animal in an ark. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at the questions of whether Noah was a real person, was the flood worldwide, and more. |
Fri, 1 October 2021
In 1897, a West Virginia woman was murdered, but then her ghost revealed to her mother from beyond the grave what really happened. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss how her murderer was put on trial and convicted on the testimony of a ghost! What really happened? Were they really guilty? |
Fri, 24 September 2021
For thousands of years, people have claimed supernatural or natural psychic powers. But do they really exist? What happens when parapsychologists test them? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli take tests that could reveal their own psychic functioning. |
Fri, 17 September 2021
Th 9/11 attacks were the deadliest terror attack in US history, but were bin Laden and Al-Qa'eda really responsible? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at claims that other nations were involved or that it was an "inside job" by US officials or that there was a coverup. |
Fri, 10 September 2021
On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the main alternate theories about what happened on that terrible day, including whether it was really planes that caused the deaths of nearly 3,000 people and destruction at three sites. |
Fri, 3 September 2021
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. |
Fri, 27 August 2021
![]() The diary of Swiss teacher Paul Amadeus Dienach claims he traveled to the year A.D. 3906 and experienced a world of wonder. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore who Dienach was, what he claimed to see, and whether this man really did travel to the future. |
Fri, 20 August 2021
![]() Forty-four years ago this month, David Berkowitz was arrested and confessed to the Son of Sam shootings. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine whether he acted alone and what role satanism may have played in the murders. |
Fri, 13 August 2021
A terrifying series of killings in NYC in 1976 included letters to police from the killer calling himself "Son of Sam". Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what happened, how David Berkowitz was arrested and confessed, and then ask did he really act alone? |
Fri, 6 August 2021
The Bible records the story of Moses and Exodus, the foundational event in the Jewish faith, but some skeptics say it never happened. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine the evidence to determine whether the Exodus really occurred. |
Fri, 30 July 2021
![]() It's a fifth Friday so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin more weird questions from listeners, including would I need to be re-baptized after going through a transporter; what happens to guardian angels of frozen embryos; what about human-animal hybrids; and more. |
Fri, 23 July 2021
The US-Mexico border in San Diego sees thousands of people cross back and forth every year, but few people know that in the 1990s, the area got a reputation as a paranormal hotspot. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine one ghost story from the border and what could explain it. |
Fri, 16 July 2021
When Pauline Dakin's mother finally revealed why she'd had such a bizarre childhood it explained so much. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli reveal that this was only the beginning however, and what she would subsquently would change everything again. |
Fri, 9 July 2021
Pauline Dakin's family moved a lot and her mom would only say she'd explain when Pauline was older. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at the odd childhood Pauline experienced and the surprising reason Pauline's mother gave for why they kept moving around the country. |
Fri, 2 July 2021
![]() The US gov't released a long-expected report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in June 2021. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at the unclassified, public version and look at what it does and doesn't say; what we read between the lines; and what the future holds for UFO study. |
Fri, 25 June 2021
Are Haitian zombies just mentally ill people or is there something more sinister going on? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore reports that Haitian sorcerers are turning people into zombies using a combination of magic and poisons. |
Fri, 18 June 2021
Zombies have become a staple of pop culture, but as Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss, they are a real and recognized phenomenon in the nation of Haiti. What are these zombies, what causes them, and are they really the dead brought back to life? |
Fri, 11 June 2021
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. |
Fri, 4 June 2021
In the second part of his interview with former military psychic spy Paul Smith, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli talk with Paul about his biggest psychic "hit", his reflection on the difficulty of using Remote Viewing for anomalous targets, how it compares to mediumship and channeling, and his faith perspective. |
Fri, 28 May 2021
![]() In 1983, US Army junior officer Paul H. Smith was asked to become a psychic spy for the military. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli welcome Paul to the show to discuss his work doing secret intelligence jobs, the nature of Remote Viewing, and what happened with Project Star Gate. |
Fri, 21 May 2021
![]() In 1994, a young woman was rushed to an ER and as she was being treated bizarre things started to happen to the nurses and doctors. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at what happened to Gloria Ramirez and the hospital staff and what could explain the strange events surrounding her death. |
Fri, 14 May 2021
![]() The 16th century French seer Nostradamus continues to fascinate the public. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask whether he could predict the future, how we should interpret his prophecies, and what was the secret technique he used to compose them. |
Fri, 7 May 2021
Nostradamus is one of the most famous seers of the last millennium and his prophecies are often applied to all sorts of past, current, and future events. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli delve into who Nostradamus was, what secret techniques he used, and whether he could really tell the future. |
Fri, 30 April 2021
![]() It's a fifth Friday so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin more weird questions from listeners, including whether the pope would be Bishop of Rome if humans left Earth; the practicalities of sacraments in space; could Grogu (aka Baby Yoda) be baptized?; what are the giants in the Bible?; and more. |
Fri, 23 April 2021
In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent Operation Northwoods to JFK as a daring, covert plan to stop a potential Soviet invasion. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss this now declassified plan, the shocking series of secret actions it proposed, and Kennedy's response. |
Fri, 16 April 2021
![]() Since Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World began, Jimmy and Dom have covered numerous mysteries in 150 episodes. And because Jimmy is always doing research, he wants to update listeners on what he's learned since originally covering these fascinating topics. |
Fri, 9 April 2021
Every so often, there are reports of people bursting into flames for no apparent reason, reducing most of their body to ashes, but with little or no fire damage around them. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what we should make of these reports of spontaneous human combustion and what could be causing them. |
Thu, 1 April 2021
Australia is known for many strange, dangerous animals, but one famous cryptid from Down Under is the fearsome Drop Bear. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli, with help from Matt Fradd and the Catholics of Oz, recount what we know about the Drop Bear and how to protect ourselves against it. |
Fri, 26 March 2021
Rumors have surrounded the Vatican Secret Archives for ages and some think the Vatican is hiding shameful or shocking secrets. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the history of the Archives, what they contain, and how secret they really are. |
Fri, 19 March 2021
In 1934, America was in the grips of the Great Depression and people were desperate for solutions. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the shadowy group of businessmen who began plotting to install an American fascist dictator and how close they came to succeeding. |
Fri, 12 March 2021
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. |
Fri, 5 March 2021
![]() In Part 1, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discussed the explosive claims by Paul Bennewitz in the 1980s about UFOs in New Mexico. Now, they continue with how the Air Force was involved, what has happened in the intervening years, and the terrible price Paul paid.
Fri, 26 February 2021
![]() Back in the 80s, Paul Bennewitz became deeply alarmed at evidence of an alien presence on Earth. He reported his discoveries to officials who took them seriously. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss how he became convinced we had to fight back and so developed the attack plan Project Beta. |
Fri, 19 February 2021
For 40 years, people have wondered who was the mysterious Robert Christian who commissioned the Georgia Guidestones and the meaning of the 10 principles inscribed on it. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli identify who Christian really was and examine what the 10 guidelines really mean. |
Fri, 12 February 2021
In 1980, a massive granite monument was unveiled in a small Georgia town, bearing 10 principles for the future guidance of humanity. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the Guidestones' origin and purpose and the mysterious man who commissioned them. |
Fri, 5 February 2021
![]() The four Gospels have been a primary source of information about Jesus Christ for 2,000 years, but in recent times, some skeptics have said they were written so late after Jesus, they aren't reliable. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli find out what tradition, Church teaching, and historical sources tell about when the Gospels were really written. |
Fri, 29 January 2021
![]() It's a fifth Friday so Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions from listeners, including whether Baby Yoda needs to fast; do AIs have souls?; is the Prime Directive ethically defensible?; should we destroy vampires?; and more. |
Fri, 22 January 2021
The Book of Revelation describes a terrifying beast with the number 666 and that people had to take the mark of the beast on themselves. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli consider what the mark is: a literal tattoo, a computer chip, a vaccine, or even the Covid vaccine? |
Fri, 15 January 2021
![]() Throughout the ages, grieving people have sought contact with the dead, including through the use of mediums. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask whether mediums really can contact the dead, whether we should trust them, and what the Bible has to say about it.
Fri, 8 January 2021
The World Economic Forum has proposed to use the Covid-19 pandemic as an opportunity to have a "Great Reset" to fundamentally transform the way the world works. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore what the WEF is, what the Great Reset is, and whether this is a sinister conspiracy. |
Fri, 1 January 2021
![]() Happy New Year! Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including whether indulgences can be retroactively applied; if UFO aliens could be demons; what happens to cremated saints who should be incorruptible; and whether aliens could have souls. |
Fri, 25 December 2020
![]() Merry Christmas! Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including whether an insane person confessing sins to a cat could result in forgiveness; whether one could baptize with tea in emergency; and whether some bodily mortification is spiritually healthy. |
Fri, 18 December 2020
![]() The Randonautica phone app promises to take you on a magical, mystery journey. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore whether there is anything paranormal about these random journeys or if it's all just random chance. And Jimmy reveals the unexpected results of his own Randonautica trip. |
Fri, 11 December 2020
In the late 1960s, Carlos Castaneda claimed to reveal the drug-fueled, mystical teachings of a Native American sorcerer, launching the New Age movement. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore who Castaneda was and what he taught and the truth behind the mysteries surrounding him. |
Mon, 7 December 2020
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. |
Fri, 4 December 2020
![]() Human beings have been telling lies since the dawn of history and finding ways to detect them has been a high priority. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the polygraph machine, how reliable they are, whether they can be beaten, historical methods of lie detection, and whether you should ever take a lie detector test. |
Fri, 27 November 2020
For this US Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Jimmy Akin answers more weird questions, including whether Star Trek transports are murder machines, what history would be like without Jesus, is the Holy Grail special, a Good God vs. an Evil God, and the eschatological implications of space colonies. |
Fri, 20 November 2020
Continuing their discussion of the reported 1973 abduction of two Mississippi men by a UFO, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at the theories and evidence from a reason perspective, including a police secret tape recording of a conversation between the two men. |
Fri, 13 November 2020
In October 1973, two fishermen in Pascagoula, Mississippi, say they were taken on board a mysterious craft by strange creatures in one of the most famous UFO abduction cases in history. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who were these men, what happened to them, and is it evidence of alien contact? |
Fri, 6 November 2020
Throughout history, people have been fascinated by curses, suspected others have been cursed, have wanted to curse their enemies, and wanted curses removed. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask what are curses, how they work, and how worried about them should we be. |
Fri, 30 October 2020
On this fifth Friday of the month, Jimmy Akin answers more weird questions, including whether at the end times people will be resurrected on Mars; could we touch a rediscovered Ark of the Covenant; what was Jesus' religion; did God create aliens; why is capybara licit in Lent; and more! |
Fri, 23 October 2020
![]() In 1857, President-elect James Buchanan became violently ill during a stay at Washington DC's National Hotel, as did hundreds of others, many of whom died. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine whether it was a serial killer, a mysterious disease, or perhaps a presidential assassination plot. |
Fri, 16 October 2020
![]() For the last several years, the Canadian Fr. Michel Rodrigue as been reporting revelations of apocalyptic world events to start in October 2020. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who is Fr. Rodrigue, what does he claim, are his revelations really from God, and how likely are they to happen? |
Fri, 9 October 2020
In recent years, some authors have been discussed a proposed prophetic event called the Warning or Illumination of Conscience, even claiming it will happen in 2020. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine how accurate these claims are and whether such an event actually take place. |
Fri, 2 October 2020
![]() Supporters of a young Earth challenge the scientific consensus on the dating of the Earth and the universe, claiming radiometric dating doesn't say what others claim and that distant starlight isn't billions of years old. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine their claims and give their bottom line. |
Fri, 25 September 2020
After having considered the faith perspective on whether we must believe the Earth is relatively young, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli now turn to the scientific evidence for whether Earth is young or old, including radiometric dating and changing physical constants. |
Fri, 18 September 2020
![]() For centuries, Jews and Christians have read the Bible and thought the Earth is only a few thousand years old. But the scientific revolution claimed it's billions of years old. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask what does the biblical and scientific evidence really say, how is it being misread, and by whom? |
Fri, 11 September 2020
In his 1998 book, gov't psychic Ingo Swann claimed he'd been hired in 1975 to remote view certain sites on the Moon where he perceived alien bases. In part 2 of their discussion, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss whether Ingo was telling the truth and whether there really could be aliens on the Moon. |
Fri, 4 September 2020
Government psychic Ingo Swann claimed in a 1998 book called "Penetration" that he was asked by a secret agency to do remote reviewing experiments suggesting an alien presence on the Moon. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask what we should make of his claims of aliens on the Moon and even on Earth. |
Thu, 3 September 2020
We've had so much great feedback lately and so much to say about the mysteries we've been discussing lately that we didn't want to shortchange listener feedback. That's why Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli have created this special BONUS episode dedicated to your Mysterious Feedback. |
Fri, 28 August 2020
![]() In 1794, a Virginia family began experiencing supernatural manifestations that did not cease until they summoned Catholic priests to help. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask whether it really happened, what could explain the manifestations, whether it was ghosts or demons or both or neither. |
Fri, 21 August 2020
On August 21, 1992, federal agents engaged in firefight on Ruby Ridge, Idaho, that started an 11-day siege of the Weaver family which left a mother and her son dead. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask how the situation started, who was at fault, and how did it all go so disastrously bad. |
Fri, 14 August 2020
In August 1945, Americans welcomed the news that Japan had surrendered and World War II would soon be over. Yet Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli reveal that a desperate last-minuted coup plot by the military in the face of humiliating surrender almost derailed peace and prolonged the war. |
Fri, 7 August 2020
Throughout human history, people in all cultures have sensed the divine and developed a bewildering arrays of beliefs and ideas. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the conflict between belief in one God vs. many, the journey that God had led his people on through time, and how we should understand these concepts today. |
Mon, 3 August 2020
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. |
Fri, 31 July 2020
It’s a fifth Friday of the month, so Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including did Jesus die to save extraterrestrials, too; can we get Jesus' DNA from Eucharistic Miracles; Is man God's favorite creature; how many angels can dance on the head of a pin; and more. |
Thu, 30 July 2020
Jimmy talks about the progress we've made toward Starquest financial stability and how close we are to reaching break even. (We apologize for the second download, but there's an important correction we had to make.)
Direct download: MYS_special_message_endofJuly_2020_fix.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 12:53pm PST |
Thu, 30 July 2020
Jimmy talks about the progress we've made toward StarQuest financial stability and how close we are to reaching break even.
Direct download: MYS_special_message_endofJuly_2020.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 11:14am PST |
Fri, 24 July 2020
In 1917, two English girls claimed to have photographic proof that fairies, tiny, human-like creatures, lived in the woods near their home. Even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes, agreed that it was proof. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine whether the photos prove fairies exist and look at the implications if they do. |
Fri, 17 July 2020
How did a group of 9 citizens expose the FBI's biggest dirty secrets in a daring 1971 break-in? In the second of two parts, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore their secret plan, how the FBI tried to catch them, and what secrets the FBI was trying to keep from the public's knowledge. |
Fri, 10 July 2020
![]() In 1971, a shadowy group decided they needed to begin an investigation of the FBI, which they did with a burglary. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who were these burglars, what FBI secrets did they discover, how did the FBI retaliate, and how did it shake up the FBI so that it's never been the same. |
Wed, 8 July 2020
Jimmy shares an important message about the future of Mysterious World.
Direct download: MYS_special_message_July_2020.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 6:43am PST |
Fri, 3 July 2020
St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the greatest intellects in Christian history. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli continue their discussion of the saint and what he had to say about hidden or "occult" mysteries such as astrology, crystal healing, amulets, demons, ghosts, and psychic powers. |
Fri, 26 June 2020
St. Thomas Aquinas was one of the great intellects in Christian history who wrote on many subjects, including topics we would consider occult. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what Aquinas had to say about astrology, crystal healing, amulets, demons, ghosts, psychic powers and more. |
Fri, 19 June 2020
For centuries, acupuncture has been used to treat a variety of conditions. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore its origins, how it's supposed to work, what it can really treat, and if it's real or all just a pseudoscience. |
Fri, 12 June 2020
In the 1970s, scientists began investigating a psychic phenomenon known as remote viewing for the US government. Last week, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli looked at the history and now they look at the evidence for remote viewing and how it would be viewed from a faith perspective. |
Fri, 5 June 2020
CIA scientists began investigating psychic powers in the 1970s, including a power known as remote viewing. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the surprising successes they reported with remote viewing, the secret Stargate program established to exploit it, and whether any of it is plausible. |
Fri, 29 May 2020
![]() It’s a fifth Friday of the month, so Jimmy Akin is answering more weird questions, including whether Catholics can be Jedi, saying Mass in Klingon, whether zombies can be saved, whether Elves need sacraments, and more. |
Fri, 22 May 2020
We're celebrating our first 100 episodes with updates on the some of the mysterious topics we've discussed, as well as hearing your feedback on the podcast and what it means to you. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli want to thank the listeners for their support in our first 2 years and look forward to many more shows. |
Fri, 15 May 2020
From 1973 to 1982, a Japanese religious sister reported receiving messages from an angel and the Virgin Mary as well as a serious miraculous events. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine the mystery of Our Lady of Akita, what happened, whether it was supernatural, and its connection to Fatima. |
Fri, 8 May 2020
Every day, creatures all over the world just shut down, lose consciousness, and then start back up again hours later and science still isn't sure why it happens. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the mystery of sleep, why it's necessary, and how we can get more of this precious commodity. |
Fri, 1 May 2020
![]() Federal agents stormed a religious commune in Waco, Texas, on April 19, 1993 after a months-long siege, leaving dozens dead. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli are back to consider the allegations of government misconduct, coverup, and conspiracy; examine the evidence; and seek the truth of what happened. |
Fri, 24 April 2020
The Branch Davidian siege in Waco, Texas, came to a tragic end 26 years ago this month, leaving more than 70 men, women, and children dead. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore who the Branch Davidians were, what David Koresh believed, whether those deaths could have been avoided, and what's the truth about the Waco siege. |
Fri, 17 April 2020
![]() We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli to answer their questions and make them available exclusively to them first and then later to the whole audience in a special bonus release. |
Mon, 13 April 2020
Continuing their discussion of reincarnation, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at the Bridey Murphy case to see if her memories match the historical record and can't be explained in a natural way, then examine what the faith perspective has to say about past lives. |
Fri, 10 April 2020
Reincarnation has been a part of many cultures for millennia and became popular in America in the 1950s due to one dramatic story. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine the claims about reincarnation, the evidence proffered for it, and the 1950s Bridey Murphy craze. |
Fri, 3 April 2020
Outside Detroit in August 1994, teenage Boy Scout David Hahn was discovered to have gathered a dangerous cache of radioactive materials. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore why David was stockpiling these materials, how he got his hands on them, and how the adults in his family and in authority reacted when they found out. |
Wed, 1 April 2020
A dangerous chemical known since ancient times has developed a bizarre health craze around it and many health gurus say everyone needs to consume this acid. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore its history, its dangers, and a government conspiracy to put it in our water supply. |