Jimmy Akin Podcast

It's a fifth Friday, so Cy Kellett of Catholic Answers Live is asking Jimmy Akin weird questions from listeners, about topics like mechanical telepathy; NEanderthals in Genesis; aliens in the afterlife; convert popes; and more weird questions.

Direct download: MYS327.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 7:30am PST

The 1st Doctor and Stephen end up in the midst of France's Wars of Religion. Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin discuss the religious background of the Catholics and Huguenots; the significance of the Doctor's double; and how the story ended up as audio-only.

Direct download: WHO386.mp3
Category:Secrets of Doctor Who -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

This two-parter kicks the plot into gear and Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler discuss how the story is a straight-up homage to Doctor Who with some elements of the Langoliers and Avengers: Endgame thrown in.

Direct download: SST326.mp3
Category:Secrets of Star Trek -- posted at: 4:00pm PST

We've talked about remote viewing, but now Jimmy Akin has taken part in a remote viewing experiment and discusses his experience with Dom Bettinelli. What was his role? What did the study do? And what were the results?

Direct download: MYS326.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 7:30am PST

The 4th Doctor and a regenerated Romana return to Skaro. Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin discuss the conundrum of getting caught between two robot-like enemies and how their logic drives a stalemate and how self-sacrifice confounds them.

Direct download: WHO385.mp3
Category:Secrets of Doctor Who -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

A non-corporeal being gets embodied. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler discuss the philosophical implications and how the writers may have untintentionally said something important about bodily integrity.

Direct download: SST325.mp3
Category:Secrets of Star Trek -- posted at: 4:00pm PST

People have lots of questions about guardian angels and they often get posed to Jimmy Akin, so in this episode Jimmy and Dom Bettinelli discuss what the Bible and other ancient Jewish and Christian literature and Church teaching say about guardian angels.

Direct download: MYS325.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 7:30am PST

The 8th Doctor and Charley in the Divergent Universe! Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin discuss their encounter with the termite-like Kromon whose society has been modeled on a soulless corporate bureaucracy and the resistance to their tyranny by the normally peaceful C'Rizz, a new Companion.

Direct download: WHO384.mp3
Category:Secrets of Doctor Who -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Pog-racing! Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler discuss this episode of Prodigy, the crew's sidetrack into a race; Zero's self-sacrifice; and speculation as to what could stop time on Voyager.

Direct download: SST324.mp3
Category:Secrets of Star Trek -- posted at: 1:11pm PST

Some believe the ancient Book of Enoch is a book of Scripture and so Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli continue their discussion of the book, focusing on the first known as the Book of the Watchers, which focuses on angels, fallen angels and demons.

Direct download: MYS324.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 7:30am PST

Missy is back in this audio story as discussed by Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin. This is capricious and malevolent Missy, manipulating and exploiting others for personal profit, but also amusement in a cautionary tale of dehumnization and cruely.

Direct download: WHO383.mp3
Category:Secrets of Doctor Who -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Beware the imPOGster! Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler discuss this episode of Prodigy where the crew creates faulty holo-doubles in order to start their rescue mission and hijinks ensue.

Direct download: SST323.mp3
Category:Secrets of Star Trek -- posted at: 4:00pm PST

Who was Enoch, what is his book, and why is it a "lost scripture"? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the mysterious Enoch, the references to him in the New Testament, and what makes his book so fascinating and mysterious.

Direct download: MYS323.mp3
Category:Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World -- posted at: 7:30am PST