Wed, 21 December 2011
SHOW NOTES: JIMMY AKIN PODCAST EPISODE 026 (11/21/11) * Special "Apologetics of Christmas" Interview with Jason Ward of (pt. 2) 1. I’ve heard it wasn’t uncommon for some people to sleep in the stable of an inn during busy times? Was that true? 2. What was the Star of Bethlehem? A conjunction of planets, meteor, comet, supernatural event? What does the Church or Church Fathers say about it? 3. What is significant about gold, frankincense, and myrrh? 4. How did the birth of Jesus come to be celebrated on December 25? 5. Why do Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on January 7? 6. What light does the Ark of the Covenant shed on Mary's perpetual virginity, and what evidence do we have for her perpetual virginity? WHAT'S YOUR QUESTION? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO ASK? Call me at 512-222-3389! Join Jimmy's Secret Information Club! Today’s Music: Joy to the World (JewelBeat.Com) Copyright © 2011 by Jimmy Akin |