Sat, 9 July 2011
003 Colonizing Space & Catholicism; Peter Died in Rome; 'Unbroken' Line of Popes--Jimmy Akin Podcast
JIMMY AKIN PODCAST EPISODE 003 (7/9/11) ERIC ASKS ABOUT COLONIZING SPACE * What if space colonizers can't bring priests with them? What are the faithful to do? * Could a space bishop function in communion with Rome if there is little or no contact with Rome (or just really really long delays in messages sent back and forth)? * What if there is limited or no possibility to produce bread and wine? * Mass in zero-G? * How would the liturgical calendar square with days and years of varying length? What about differences in how colonizers experience time due to relativity? PAUL FROM HAWAII ASKS ABOUT PETER AND THE PAPACY * What is the evidence Peter died at Rome? * What is the evidence for an “unbroken” line of popes? VERSES MENTIONED IN THIS SEGMENT: John 21:18-19, 1 Peter 5:13, 2 Peter 13-15, Revelation 17:1-18, 18:20 LINKS FOR THIS SEGMENT: * FATHERS QUOTES: * TOMB OF ST. PETER * THE FATHERS KNOW BEST WHAT'S YOUR QUESTION? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO ASK? Call me at 512-222-3389!
Direct download: 003_Colonizing_Space__Catholicism_Peter_Died_in_Rome_Unbroken_Line_of_Popes--Jimmy_Akin_Podcast.mp3
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