Tue, 12 July 2011
JIMMY AKIN PODCAST EPISODE 005 (7/23/11) * AL ASKS ABOUT ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE * If A.I. were ever achieved at a level which would be close to or equal to human intelligence how would we approach it? Would it be morally right to create A.I. if we were capable of it? * If this A.I. were able to be fully sentient, would it deserved to be given rights, such as in Asimov's novels? * Would God give it a soul? * ANONYMOUS ASKS ABOUT HELL * How to square the idea of hell with the mercy and love of God. * How can an finite number of years of sinning result in an infinite amount of punishment? * MARK ASKS ABOUT ALIENS & SALVATION * Do (or could) aliens have souls? Could some have them and not others? How could we tell? * Could it be possible that aliens are a race unaffected by the Fall and thus don't need salvation? * Was Christ's sacrifice for the benefit of humans alone? If so, could there be another mechanism of salvation for ensouled aliens? * Would the discovery of alien races mean that Adam and Eve probably didn't live on Earth and probably lived waaaay before we thought? * Could Adam and Eve be descended from another race? What would that mean when (and if) it could be squared with Genesis? * Could it be possible that there are other creatures besides humans and angels (and aliens) that are even outside the physical world that we don't know about? Could there be another world that's not physical or spiritual, but something else? WHAT'S YOUR QUESTION? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO ASK? Call me at 512-222-3389! jimmyakinpodcast@gmail.com www.jimmyakinpodcast.com Code: HAILCAESARVHFUHWLQIRUPDWLRQLVFRPLPJ |